Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Grand Canyon

So we went to the Grand Canyon with my awesome sister who is awesome! I even have a picture (posted at the bottom). It was hot, and I lost my scissors at a gas station bathroom, but we got to take a bus around to see stuff and it wasn't so hot I wanted to die. Also the drive was nice. Except for the twisty, windy bits of road with the sheer drops on one side because I like living. I rode with my parents and my husband rode with my brother and his wife (aaawkwaaard...) and my parents let me listen to whatever music I wanted. Whoo!

My sister had never seen the canyon. Neither had her new-ish BF who we all met last week. So awesome! But the poor guy got sunburned (he's a redhead). Now I've only got a few more days with my sister before she's gone again back to the frigid north! Cue sad panda.

But I'll make the most of it because my sister is amaze-bunnies.

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