Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Victoria Aveyard and Plagiarism

Okay, I was just on Goodreads and apparently according to a bunch of people Victoria Aveyard ripped off Pierce Brown’s Red Rising with her book Red Queen.

I almost cyber-punched someone because obviously these people have never actually double-checked one very important detail.

Red Rising came out January 28, 2014.
Red Queen came out February 10, 2015.

That literally means Victoria Aveyard managed to: 

- read Red Rising
- write the rough draft of Red Queen (her debut novel)
- edit it
- send it to an agent
- have her future agent read it (slush can take up to 6 months, you guys)
- have her future agent schedule a phone call with her
- have the actual phone call
- sign the agent contract
- mail the contract back to the agency
- start the agent-editing process (which takes up to 3-4 months)
- finish the agent-editing process
- send it out to editors
- have an editor read it (can take a month or more)
- have the editor contact her agent
- negotiate a contract
- have Victoria sign the contract and mail it back
- start and finish the publishers-editing process
- create a cover
- put together ARCS
- send out all the ARCS

And somehow Victoria the Whiz Kid Queen managed to do all of this in…let’s see, ARCs come out 2-3 months before a book’s release date, so she had to be done by say, December with that whole list. So she managed to do all of that…in 10 months.

Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me???

Next person that libels an author needs to get cyber-slapped, because that stuff isn’t okay. Like, if you don’t like her book, fine. But don’t lie about her to make you look like you’re oh so fucking smart.

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