Saturday, April 18, 2015


Eimh Mac Leod knows better than to follow the sound of crying into the woods. Crying in the middle of the forest means nought but trouble, and the people of Fairview Township want none of it. But Eimh can't abandone the little water-kin bairn she finds abandoned in the woods. Changeling or not, it's still just a baby, and no Latter-Day Saint can leave a helpless baby to die in the forest. Her parents let her keep the baby, and he causes little enough trouble once Eimh gets the hang of things.

But the Kindly Ones aren't the only folk making trouble near Fairview. Contention brews between the Saints and the rest of the Missourians. Eimh's Da fears violence is inevitable, but Eimh prays it isn't so. Yet she can't help thinking her Da might be right when a riot breaks out in a nearby town and her brothers lose their jobs at the local mill and end up badly beatn for admitting they follow Joseph Smith's church. Eimh only feels safe in the presence of a very large, very special stray dog that attaches himself to her side when the trouble starts. But when a mob comes to Fairview, even a faerie hound may not be enough to save her family.

CHARITY NEVER FAILETH tells an alternate/fantasy history adaptation of the real-life Missouri Mormon War of 1838, when the state government sanctioned attacks against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Combining Old World superstition, real-world history, magical realism, LDS traditions, and lesser known bits of Scotch-Irish folklore, CHARITY NEVER FAILETH showcases one of the darkest times in LDS history as well as the far-reaching consequences of a single act of reckless kindness.

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