ok is your evil witch queen in your faerie book just a bitch because she's the popular girl or what? b/c that's so fucking tired. girls can be popular w/o being bitches you know?
No, she’s not. Well, there are two popular girls who are antagonists. One of them is just mean for the sake of being a b**** but the other one is being forced into this position by her father. He’s incredibly abusive and views her only as a commodity to make him look good to the other adult witches because “my daughter did this,” “my daughter did that,” “my daughter has the entire school under her thrall and they fear her.”
She doesn’t really want to be this way. She’s under a lot of pressure to be in total control, to be perfect all the time, to be respected always and if possible feared by her peers, and she’s not allowed to really be a person because her father wants her to be a ruthless machine. And a big part of the story arc is how Alyssa, the MC, first is her enemy because she doesn’t know this stuff, but then helps her get away from it all and start over and she (my witch queen; her name is Lily) ends up moving into Alyssa’s house and they become friends and allies in the war to take down Lily’s dad, who’s the main antagonist.
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