NaNoWriMo is DEATH!
Okay, no it's not. But it was HARD, man! And as a Latter-Day Saint, I couldn't write on Sundays (oh, the humanity!), and I don't have time on Saturdays because those are my editing days with my critique partner. This eliminates 10 days (count them! TEN!) out of the 30 I had for NaNoWriMo.
And yet...I still managed to make it to 52,000 words! WOOT WOOT! Yeah!
Seriously, everybody, I encourage anyone who needs motivation to do NaNoWriMo. I work 40 hours a week, and November is one of those accursed holiday months, but I still managed to make my goal and stay motivated without getting discouraged. Except for the time when my husband deleted 2000 words off my document by accident. Then I broke down into hysterical sobbing for a good 20 minutes because it was 4 AM.
But aside from that, it was actually pretty awesome. Of course I had like, zero time for anything else (including my Booktube subscriptions - cue sad panda) but I definitely intend to do it against next year.
Anyway, it's December now, which makes it NaDeFiMo - National December Finishing Month! Because I've only ever written a 50,000 word manuscript once, and it was my first book, and I was 10. So yeah. I've got at least another 45,000 words to go. Wish me luck!
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