Monday, July 30, 2012


Maybe I'm just a little tired/frustrated or whatever, but I've gotten a lot of questions/comments/smart remarks via various websites and through life over the last couple months that have finally galvanized me into replying. Since Twitter doesn't accept long, rambling rants, I figured Facebook and my blog are the best places to just get stuff off my chest.

Just because I'm unemployed doesn't mean I'm not doing anything. It doesn't mean I have a lot of free time. It doesn't mean I'm goofing off all day. It doesn't mean I'm wasting my time having fun and not doing anything productive.

My husband plays a lot of video games. So does my roommate. I haven't played on *my* PS2 that I earned by getting a 106% for my semester grade for English back in 2006 in over a year.

The only time I go to the movies is with my parents or with my editor because she says it's relevant to my work (like when we went to see John Carter of Mars). Not that I don't enjoy the movies I see, but I never go to a movie purely for pleasure.

Whenever I go to Lorien's house, we always do some editing. Always. I edit her book if she's got a new chapter waiting, and she edits my chapters. We don't go to Blockbuster or Redbox or order stuff off Netflix except through her, and it's usually already there when I get there (and again, is relevant in some way to our work).

My fun time involves watching a couple hours of TV a week with Lorien, maybe.

Reading is work. Writing is work. I write more than 6 hours a day usually. Every day except Sunday, and even on Sunday, I'll write blogs or read over something. I don't edit things, because it's the Sabbath, but everything I read is relevant to my job, so anytime I read, it has an impact on how well I do that job.

Just this past week, I pushed out 4 chapters of Obsidian and 8 chapters of The Shepherd's Daughter. That's not counting chapter 72 (yes, 72) of Once Upon a Time that I finished, either, or chapter 73 that I've started. All told, that's about 40,000 words. In one week. That's 2/3 of a full novel.

I am currently working on more than 10 novels and 4 very long stories. I also juggle:

- looking for a job in a crappy economy
- editing Warrior for Lorien (which everyone should read)
- reviewing other people's work to build networking relationships in the writing community
- doing some household chores
- mediating between my husband and my roommate
- visiting with my parents
- strengthening my marriage
- trying to be active at church
- budgeting
- reading
- answering fan mail
- spending time with my cats so they don't forget me
- working out so that I'm at a healthy weight when my husband and I decide to have children
- trying to maintain healthy relationships with a few other friends/acquaintances and my in-laws
- hanging out via phone with my sister
- sponsoring two people with addictions
- keeping abreast of the current writing market and market trends
- counseling/mentoring aspiring writers online (without any internet at my house).

I'm not goofing off at home. I'm working. I just don't have an employer. So except for really important occassions, I don't really have time to do much. I can't afford to invest a lot of time and energy into something unless it's going to be worth it. Which is why I am on Facebook - so I can talk to people once in a while that I don't have time to see in real life.

And in case you guys are wondering what I've been doing the last 13 months, I have:

- written and published 2 novels (Glass and Their Forever Family)
- gotten (and lost) 2 agents
- started a blog
- finished about 4/5 of a 3rd novel (Obsidian)
- finished about 2/5 of a 4th and 5th novel (The Shepherd's Daughter and Where the Heart Is)
- written the prologues for 3 novels
- written at least the first chapter or two of 8 of those novels
- gotten to or past the first 3 chapters with 7 of those novels
- have written 833,351 words of an internationally acclaimed fanfic that has boosted my book sales and spreads the Gospel (that word-count does not include any words written for any other work, and does not include the scenes and chapters I have written and then cut)
- mentored at least 3 aspiring authors
- edited Lorien's amazing book

So just so we're clear - I may not be working, but I *am* incredibly busy.


Books I'm Working On Right Now

1 - Obsidian: Book 2 of the Twilight Chessboard (sequel to Glass; urban fantasy based on Alice in Wonderland)
2 - The Shepherd's Daughter (high fantasy inspired by The Nutcracker)
3 - Grimcat (urban fantasy inspired by fairy tales)
4 - I Hear the Bones Singing (urban fantasy inspired by various fairy tales)
5 - a steampunk "Snow White" novel
6 - a science fiction novel based on the Scandinavian folktale, "East of the Sun, West of the Moon"
7 - Off the Traditional Path (science fiction inspired by fairy tales)
8 - Where the Heart Is (inspirational romance inspired by "Rapunzel")
9 - The Heart of Three Bears (inspirational historical romance inspired by "Goldilocks")
10 - Anne of Zombie Gables (classic/monster-mashup)
11 - Garnet: Book 3 of the Twilight Chessboard (sequel to Obsidian)
12 - Destiny: The Soul-Shifting Adventures of a James Dean Rebel Girl (a paranormal YA novel based on the Irish myth of "East of the Sun, West of the Moon")
13 - Acid Splash (a contemporary realistic middle-grade novel)
14 - Royal Moons (high fantasy novel about werewolves)
15 - Lilies in the Boneyard (urban fantasy inspired by the myth of "Hades and Persephone")

Stories I'm Working On Right Now

1 - Once Upon a Time (for Hellboy - this one is 963,547 words long)
2 - "A Curse as Dark as Night, and Cold" (for Thor)
3 - "Snow White, Blood Red" (for Hellboy)
4 - "Pokemon Ivory" (for Pokemon)

1 comment:

  1. I was just talking to David yesterday/today (between 1-3 AM)about how you work way too much! That you won't go out and chill if your mom and me don't force you to because you're working too much. He was staring at me in surprise, hearing all the work you're doing.

