Monday, February 13, 2012

Gimme Something More

For the love of macaroni and cheese!!!

*bangs head against desk*

Why oh why does everything have to be about demons, fallen angels, sex, or bad people these days? I don't want to read about bad people doing bad things. Or, if I do, I want them to feel bad about it! Find redemption! Not laugh behind their perfumed fingers and say "oops." Novels like Pretty Little Liars, Fallen, Angel Burn, Luxe, Another Faust, Falling Under, or Sweet Evil - I'm just so sick of it! The only novels so far that have done the demons/angels thing without it being ridiculous or offensive (yeah, I don't like that kind of thing - I'm LDS; sue me) is Cassandra Clare's work.

I love you, Cassandra Clare. You are a Mormon girl's friend.

Anyways, almost done ranting now. I just need to ask, how many different ways can anyone do the "hot demon/fallen angel boy falls for mortal girl who's the love of his life even though it breaks all the rules?" Because it's everywhere. Or it's a girl angel/demon, but I haven't seen that except in Halo. So seriously... I mean... really? Help a girl out here. Yeah, I've got my new dystopia craze, but I would like to have new material for my paranormal section besides the sequels to things I already have (Enshadowed for Nevermore, the Nightmare Garden for the Iron Thorn, City of Lost Souls for City of Fallen Angels). Seriously. I'm a HUGE reader. Three books of paranormal fantasy/romance are just not enough. How am I supposed to fill out my Christmas list?


You know what I'm looking forward to? Reading Entwined by Heather Dixon. Dark fantasy with some romance, based on "the 12 Dancing Princesses." And reading Cinder, a sci-fi retelling of "Cinderella." I'm excited about those. But is that really all I have to look forward to? Editors! Publishers! Agents! Help me out here!

- LA Knight


  1. My fiance really liked Cinder and recommended it to me as well. You seem to like her genre of books as well. I don't throw out her blog often but you possible would get a few ideas for what to read next.

  2. LOL!!! I feel ya, girl! They finished Ranger's Apprentice, and the new series doesn't even have a sequel title out yet! Other than that, my reading list has Cassandra Clare..........and that's, like, it. GAH!!! I'm tired of half of the novels I'm interested in having something wrong with them!
