Friday, February 12, 2016

Defining Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is basically your ability to pitch a book in 1 or 2 lines. So…for example, let’s take a look at some classics most people know.

Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire: Four wizards compete in a three-wizard tournament. Scandal! (I borrowed that from @polandbananas20).

The Hobbit: middle-aged introvert dragged along by dwarves who want to slay a dragon and get their kingdom back.

Throne of Glass: Game of Thrones meets The Hunger Games with really pretty dresses.

Delirium: Romeo & Juliet in a dystopian world where love is considered to be a mental illness.

Great (by Sara J. Benincasa): an adaptation of The Great Gatsby in modern day except with lesbians.

The Selection: The Bachelor, royal edition, with mild civil war (also borrowed/paraphrased from @polandbananas20)

So like, if I wanted to do elevator pitches for some of my books, I might write them something like this:

Eidolon: Edgar Allan Poe meets Batman when Jack the Ripper stalks a neo-Victorian kingdom of half-human magicians.

The Silver Princess: royal Elf twins fall in love with a young doctor while their nations teeter on the brink of civil war.

Frost & Fire: a vindictive brother and sister try to ruin the lives of their fellow students at magic school.

Make sense?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Why Did I Decide to Write Fanfiction?

When I found out fanfiction was a thing, I realized I’d been writing fanfiction in my head since I was about 4 years old - for Power Rangers. And I figured it would be good practice for writing a novel if I could do fanfiction. Especially since there are, in some ways, more restrictions in the sort of fanfiction people post on than there are in writing original novels.

Also because it's fun. :)